Changing the Order of Objects

You can reorder the stacking arrangement of objects with the Order command on the Arrange menu.

You can only change the order of objects on the current layer. If you are using multiple layers, objects on upper layers always appear on top of objects on lower layers.



Bring Forward

Moves the currently selected object one level toward the front (keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F10)

Send Backward

Moves the currently selected object one level toward the back (keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F9)

Bring to Front

Moves the currently selected object in front of all other objects on the current layer (keyboard shortcut F10)

Send to Back

Moves the currently selected object behind all other objects on the current layer (keyboard shortcut F9)


Reverses the stacking order of the selected objects. For example, the order 1, 2, 3, 4 becomes 4, 3, 2, 1 (keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F9)

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To change the order of objects